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  • Writer's pictureTalia Lego

Book Review | Icebreaker By Hannah Grace

"Icebreaker" by Hannah Grace is a book that sets out with a promising premise but struggles to deliver a compelling story. Despite an intriguing setup, the execution leaves much to be desired, resulting in a long and boring reading experience.

Icebreaker by Hannah Grace Book Review

The story revolves around Anastasia Allen, a competitive figure skater, and Nathan Hawkins, the captain of the Maple Hills Titans hockey team. The book attempts to explore the collision of these two worlds and the resulting complications, but it falls short with a lack of a plot in over 500 pages of wondering to myself "where is this going??"

Character development is a significant issue in "Icebreaker." Anastasia and Nathan are introduced as protagonists, but their personalities and motivations remain disappointingly one-dimensional throughout the narrative. Boy meets girl, girl "hates" boy. Boy and girl hook up and have undeniable chemistry. Boy and girl fall in love. The end.

The pacing of the story is another concern. While the premise holds promise, the "lack of a" plot unfolds at a snails pace, with long stretches of uneventful scenes and repetitive dialogue. Moments of genuine tension or excitement are scarce, making it challenging to stay engaged with the story.

Furthermore, the writing style in "Icebreaker" leaves much to be desired. Descriptive passages lack the vividness and detail needed to create an exciting reading experience. I never really found my self dying to read the next chapter.

The central romantic element of the story, which is a crucial aspect of many contemporary romance novels, falls flat. The chemistry between Anastasia and Nathan is mainly focused on the hot and steamy side, and their relationship feels rushed and lacking in depth, leaving readers unconvinced by the emotional connection the book attempts to build. I personally, being a 26 year old adult felt slightly uncomfortable reading about college students hook ups in vivid detail.

In summary, "Icebreaker" by Hannah Grace struggles to live up to its potential. Despite an interesting premise that combines figure skating and hockey, the book falls short due to underdeveloped characters, slow pacing, and lackluster writing. While it may have some appeal for readers looking for a light and straightforward romance, those seeking a more engaging and immersive experience are likely to be disappointed. A rating of 1.5 stars out of 5 reflects the book's inability to break through its shortcomings and deliver a compelling narrative.

Xo, Talia

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