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  • Writer's pictureTalia Lego

A Beautiful, Busy Minnesota Weekend! July 7-9

Holy cow. I am tired, LOL Lately it hasn’t been like me to have plans Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I figured I could share my crazy weekend with you!

Friday, July 7th

I got off work around 3:00 My boyfriend, Drew and I made dinner plans at a local sushi restaurant in Minneapolis called Momo Sushi. We ordered too much (like always) but ate it all (like always). After dinner, Drew bought us tickets to a local comedy club called Acme Comedy Club and we had the BEST NIGHT. Derek Hughs was the headliner and he was essentially a comedic magician. He was INCREDIBLE. Magic is one of those things that I truly can’t wrap my little brain around. This guy was reading minds, guessing cards, and was hilarious. Drew and I got into bed at 11:00. A perfect lil Friday if I do say so myself.

Saturday, July 8th

Earlier in the week my girlfriends and I made plans to do a hike about 45 minutes outside of the city in a little town called Scandia. Now one thing to know about me is that I am not a “hiker” or any type of “outdoors woman”.

Green Meadow like pathway in Scandia MN

So if I can do this hike, anyone can. 5.5 miles and it was truly beautiful! After the hike, we rewarded ourselves with a lovely glass of frozen wine slush at a winery called Rustic Roots Winery. Later in the evening we all met back up in downtown Robbinsdale for a few beers and to enjoy the lovely July weather.

Sunday, July 9th

70 and Sunny called for a farmers market morning with friends for coffee, breakfast, and some fresh flowers.

Yellow Flowers Farmers Market

look at my Sundays as a reset day to get groceries, work out, do laundry, etc. This Sunday was a little different because my family had a baby shower planned so I had to brush off the cobwebs and look alive for once. Decorated onesies and bibs, ate delicious food, and saw some of my

family that I haven’t seen in ages! Finishing off my Sunday with a Trader Joe's run, some meal preppin’ for the week, and a movie with the boyfriend.

I’ll make a post about my meals for the week later on!

Everyone, have a fabulous Sunday!

xo Talia

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