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  • Writer's pictureTalia Lego

Time-Stamped Morning as a PACU Nurse

This morning I thought it would be fun to look at the clock and be more attentive about my typical productive morning and what I do before work. I want to set the record straight, just because I have become more of a morning person the older I've gotten, doesn't mean that I am always a morning person. If I have had a long weekend or haven't gotten the proper amount of sleep I am tired and waking up early is so difficult. But, if I am sticking to my routine, I am able to wake up early be productive all before I go to work. I work a Monday-Friday job, typically 7-3:30. I personally prefer waking up early to do my workout because after work I typically feel sluggish and the gym tends to be much more busy.

These are some of the benefits of waking up early:

  1. Increased productivity: Early risers often find that they are more focused and alert in the morning, leading to improved productivity throughout the day.

  2. Better mental health: Studies have shown that early risers tend to experience lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule and waking up early can contribute to better mental well-being.

  3. Healthier eating habits: People who wake up early are more likely to have a structured morning routine, which can lead to healthier eating habits and better meal planning.

  4. Regular exercise: Early risers often have more time in the morning to engage in physical activities like jogging, yoga, or hitting the gym, which can help improve fitness levels and overall health.

  5. Enhanced time management: Waking up early gives you a head start on the day, allowing you to plan and manage your time more effectively.

  6. Improved sleep quality: Consistently waking up early can help regulate your body's internal clock, leading to better sleep quality and more restorative rest at night.

  7. Quiet and peaceful environment: Early mornings are generally quieter and less chaotic, providing a peaceful environment for reflection, meditation, or personal development.

  8. Greater sense of accomplishment: Accomplishing tasks early in the day can give you a sense of achievement and motivation to keep the momentum going throughout the day.

  9. Opportunities for self-care: Starting your day early gives you time for self-care activities such as reading, journaling, or enjoying a leisurely breakfast.

  10. Better alignment with natural rhythms: Human bodies are naturally wired to follow circadian rhythms, and waking up early can help you sync with these natural patterns, leading to better overall health.

Okay enough, let's get to the time stamped morning:

4:30 am: My Hatch alarm goes off,

Hatch Restore II alarm clock

I love my hatch because it has a sunrise setting so it slowly illuminates my bedroom and plays a very peaceful sound so I'm not anxious and riled up before I even get out of bed. I snoozed by alarm once

4:39 am: I'm up and out of bed. I go to the bathroom and I immediately start getting ready for the gym.

It is important to note that my going to bed routine is also extremely important in setting myself up for success each morning. I lay my workout clothes out each night so I don't have to make a decision in the morning about what to wear, I simply grab and go. I also do this for my work clothes as well!

4:53 am: I take pre-workout, lately I have been using 1 Up Nutrition women's pre-workout. This particular pre-workout does have stimulant in it. I find it nearly impossible to not take pre-workout before a 5 am workout.

1 Up Nutrition pre workout

I usually dry scoop with a few sips of water, I don't like much in my stomach before a workout because sometimes it upsets me!

5:03 am: I usually do about 15 minutes on the stair stepper as a warmup and this gets my heartrate up into the 150's! I also feel ready to keep sweating at this point.

Today was leg day and I use the Sculpt You app on my phone that gives me all of my workouts! Today's workout was 3 sets, 2 workouts each, so 6 exercises total. This typically takes me 30-45 minutes to complete and I do take breaks in between sets!

5:46 am: If you have read my past blogs, I talk about how I found Peloton a few years ago, I recently purchased my own Peloton so I have been ending all of my workouts with a 15-20 minute Peloton ride for either a final pump or a cool-down. Today because my life was so intense, I used my ride as a cooldown!

6:01 am: Workout complete! I usually give myself anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and 10 minutes in the morning so I don't feel rushed. After my workout I immediately shower and get ready for work. This morning I also self tanned. I usually blow dry my hair and because I have curly hair I will either quickly throw a straightener through it or throw some curls in!

1 Up Nutrition Kickstart Powder

6:26 am: After I am changed and ready I head to the kitchen to make my coffee and greens powder.

1 Up Nutrition ISO protein powder

I use my Nespresso pods, 30ml of half and half, and a half scoop of 1 Up Nutrition protein powder for my coffee.

1 Up Nutrition Greens and reds powder

For my greens I use the greens & reds powder from 1 Up and i also do a scoop of the Kickstart powder.

6:46 am: arrive at work and I am ready for my shift!

I am very strict about my routine in the morning because it keeps me on track throughout the week and I am able to have enough self-discipline to hopefully workout 4-5 times a week. If I am too tired to wake up at 4:30, I try my best not to guilt myself because clearly I need the sleep if I am not waking up naturally! Try not to put too much pressure on yourself <3

Xo Tal


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